Beautiful Roses made with Paper
Here's some of the designer recommended papers for making this lovely project: DIY Paper Rose by Lia
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Stardream Metallic - 8.5X11 Paper - AZALEA - 81lb Text (120gsm) - 25 PKGCST-811T-AZ25 - 248$11.43
Stardream Metallic - 8.5X11 Paper - CRYSTAL - 81lb Text (120gsm) - 25 PKGCST-811T-CRY28 - 1689$10.28
Stardream Metallic - 8.5X11 Paper - FAIRWAY - 81lb Text (120gsm) - 25 PKGCST-811T-FW23 - 215$11.43
Stardream Metallic - 8.5X11 Paper - ROSE QUARTZ - 81lb Text (120gsm) - 25 PKGCST-811T-RQ18 - 118$11.17
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - RED LACQUER 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-RL17 - 17Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18