Favorites used for Flower Paper Art Designs
Most paper flower designers choose to use our TEXT weight papers due to the foldability.
More and more we are learning of many designers also using card weight papers for their projects. We have listed many popular papers that our designers find useful, but this is not an exhausted list and please feel free to explore more. Contact our team if you need direction.
Do you need to find ALL 8.5X11 TEXT papers? Do you need ALL 8.5X11 Card Stock Papers? Checkout our 12X12 papers in both text and cover. Are you looking for suggested papers related to Lia Griffith project? Hop over to LIA designer page and find papers related to specific projects.
Shine BRONZE - Shimmer Metallic Paper - 8.5 x 11 - 32/80lb Text (118gsm) - 25 PKSH-208016-252692 - 2879$10.99
[Clearance] Shine IRON SATIN - Shimmer Metallic Paper - 8.5 x 11 - 32/80lb Text (118gsm) - 25 PKSH-217189-C256 - 468Special Price $8.04 Regular Price $10.72
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - GALVANISED 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-GV13 - 13Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - IONISED 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-ION8 - 58Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - LUSTRE 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-LST4 - 4Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - RED LACQUER 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-RL17 - 17Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - INK 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-INK23 - 23Special Price $13.64 Regular Price $18.18
[Clearance] Curious Metallic - NUDE 8.5X11 Letter Size Paper 32/80lb Text - 50 PKCM-811T-ND1 - 50Special Price $13.07 Regular Price $17.42
French Paper - POPTONE Blu Raspberry - 8.5X11 (70T/104gsm) TEXT Paper - 50 PKFR-PT-811T-BR-50164 - 493$10.97
French Paper - POPTONE Cotton Candy - 8.5X11 (70T/104gsm) TEXT Paper - 50 PKFR-PT-811T-CC-50207 - 477$10.97