Sometime you may find the need to print a last minute greeting card. Since many people can print very nice quality from their home printers – it may be the best solution in a pinch. This is not recommended for volume printing, but certainly for that last minute card or when you want to create something that has your personal touch – this could be your answer. This idea can be altered for hand drawn, stamped or painted cards – what fun it would be to let a child use finger paints to create a unique and beautiful work of art that becomes a perfect greeting card.
For our customers in the United States, we recommend 2 easy sizes – When you take a standard Letter size paper and fold it in-half, you have created an A9 insert (we will create a tutorial later for this size) – when you fold it 4 ways, you have created an A2 insert. Using these two guides, we recommend both A2 -and- A9 as easiest size for “do it yourself” cards.
To always be ready, we suggest having a simple, nice quality batch of envelopes at home in either one or both of these sizes. Ideally they would be bright white or off-white with a quality of thicker text paper, linen, cotton or shimmers. Using your neutral envelope base will allow you to bring together any color by using different ink. To even make the whole process easier, if you choose white as your core base, then simply get a batch of card stock and envelopes that are the same finish and same white. It is hard to believe how many shades of white are available in paper and one doesn’t realize how confusing until trying to match white paper and envelopes that may be from different brands, etc.
Here is a few suggestions of our favorite, easy shades to use:
- Economical, but nice quality is the Cougar brand – 65lb Cover / A2 Envelopes
- A little better grade is Neenah Classic (Crest or Linen) -and- Mohawk Superfine
- Also, a lovely Shimmer Pearl White – We love the quality – 92lb Cover / A2 Envelopes
- How about a foil lined envelope: A2 Ultrawhite with Gold Foil -or- Silver Foil Lined / Ultrawhite 65lb Cover
Let’s end this idea-generating post with an easy ‘to-do’ so you can give it a try before you decide to order a stash of matching paper and envelopes for that printer drawer. Why not try the tutorial below using any printer paper just as a basic test-run and make sure it is all working smoothly for you.
#1 Select a Letter size card stock – suggested 65lb Cover if you are uncertain whether your printer will print on 80lb Cover.
#2 Print the graphic – Here is a PDF that is setup and ready to print an A2 CARD. This will produce a 2-up print onto 1 sheet of paper. We created this graphic using a photo from Ari’s color bursting flower project – you can see how she made flowers out of paper by jumping over to the BriteHue Flowers Project page.
PDF 2up-britehueflowercard-landscape
#3 CUT THE PAPER IN HALF – I strongly recommend a cutter, but if you are using scissors or cutting blade, it is pertinent that your edge is straight
#4 FOLD TRIMMED PAPER IN HALF – folding suggestions, scoring boards are lovely and make cards looks professional, but if you are trying to use household items, grab a smooth pen barrel or butter knife with smooth handle, fold the card as perfect as possible and then, with your smooth edge, press along fold to flatten the crease.
Here’s an easy ‘quick guide’ to place with your paper stock and envelopes in case you need a cheat sheet. Enjoy and hope you cards are perfectly lovely. Would you enjoy more printable graphics? Let us know. It is amazing what we can do with a little encouragement. 🙂 – Here’s a PDF of the quick guide below, just in case the jpg is not work for your printer. PDF Quick Guide – A2 FOLDED CARD
Don’t forget to make the greeting special and meaningful to those of whom you intend to give it and of course…. get those A2 Envelopes so they will envelop the work you’ve created!
Melissa Price
Im interested in making the hydrangea wreath and other paper flower projects however I am wondering how you keep your wreath from getting damaged from the weather?
the paper wreath is recommended for inside or under a shelter. They will not work outdoors.