Specialty envelopes from PaperPapers
Everyone knows that it's great to make a fantastic first impression. In this day and age, people receive so much mail that it's easy to dismiss any sort of mailing from an address one doesn't recognize. Even in the internet era, direct mail is still one of the best forms of marketing, but you have to be even more ostentatious and exciting than before to get a jaded public's attention. Paper-Papers.com has specialty envelopes in odd shapes and sizes, including the square envelope, to help your mailings stand out, from brightly colored paper to translucent envelopes. So, if you're sending an invitation, a charity mailing, or something else that needs to grab attention and make a call to action, try out some of our customized creative products. We offer creative papers for creative minds.
Translucent envelopes and more
From plastic mailers to expandable corrugated models, PaperPapers.com has it all. If you're looking for specialty envelopes that are strong and durable while still making a great impression, you've come to the right place. We have translucent envelopes, square and foil-lined mailers, and more. Browse our selection today, and order in bulk to enjoy our wholesale discounts. You won't regret it. Here are a few of the manufacturers we carry, only the best brands in the business:
- Royal Fiber and Linen
- Stardream Metallic
- Arturo Stationery
- Gruppo Cordenons
- Labels
- and many more...
Contact us today for more information and shipping options. We truly are grateful for your business.