An attention-getting envelope can be the best way for your mailing to get noticed. It may be the difference between your piece going in the "read" pile versus the "throw away" pile. That's why we offer such a great selection of specialty envelopes. Whether you're looking for something in an unusual size or color or material, we'll have something just right for your project. Browse our inventory at, you'll discover these styles and others:
- Square envelopes
- Metallic envelopes
- Colored envelopes
- Black
- Bubble mailer
- Mini envelopes
- Manila
- Letterhead
Our unique envelopes are perfect for the needs of individuals and businesses, and our various quantity selections will allow you to suit any project, from small to mass mailings.
After viewing our inventory, you'll be surprised at how much variety is available when you're choosing business envelopes. We do carry all the standards, such as plain white letter size, but we also have a remarkable selection of specialty envelopes designed with businesses in mind. Use color, sparkle, or unusual materials to get your correspondence noticed. In addition, many of our customers appreciate the value of our letterhead option, which allows you to imprint each envelope with your company's logo or design. This is an extremely cost-effective way to get your company name and logo in front of your potential or actual customers.
You'll be pleased to discover that unique envelopes remain affordable at Whether you're buying business envelopes or something for personal use, you can afford to make a statement without breaking your budget. In addition to low base rates, you'll also save when you buy higher-quantity packs or when you make bulk purchases. We make it easy to shop for fine paper goods, so visit today.