Deckled Edge A7 Envelopes (5.25-x-7.25) - Bright White 80T Premium Pastelle - 250 PK

Searching for Envelopes, A7 (5-1/4-x-7-1/4) with Felt Marked, Embossed Texture, Textured appearance found in the White Color Group, 118 GSM (32/80lb Text) --learn more about Premium Pastelle Bright White --Strathmore Envelopes. Also, review our popular help pages for paper help. (To make a successful paper selection, it is important to have a brief understanding of text weight and cover weight papers.) AND envelope help (It is important to remember that inserts must always be smaller than the envelope dimensions.)

SKU STR-M55480-B

Deckled edge Premium Pastelle Bright White A7 (5-1/4-x-7-1/4) Envelopes

Nice White Color Group Felt Marked, Embossed Texture, Textured Envelopes. Checkout our High quality A7 (5-1/4-x-7-1/4) Premium Pastelle Bright White Envelopes, 118 GSM (32/80lb Text). ....Mohawk's Premium brands, a responsible option with the highest level of quality. This is an elegant, deckled edge grouping, choose from different shades and sizes to complete many project demands. Find related and matching cardstock, paper and envelopes by jumping to Strathmore brand pages and viewing more selections.

PaperPapers sku: STR-M55480-B -- This product listing is selling as 250 per package.

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More Information
WHS_IN 10 - 10
Product type Envelopes
Oversize or Cutting Fee to be applied No
Brand Strathmore
Color Name / Brand Specific Premium Pastelle Bright White
Description of color 90B Diffused White shade
Color Range White Color Group
Content Fiber Virgin Fiber
Finish Appearance Felt Marked, Embossed Texture, Textured
GSM / Basis Wt 118 GSM (32/80lb Text)
Mill code M55480
Manufacturer Mohawk
Package Quantity 250 per package
Size A7 (5-1/4-x-7-1/4)
Caliper (Avg) 7.2
Specialties Deckled Flap
Stock Availability Floor Stock

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